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Terms and conditions


Description: Addiction Recovery and Life Coaching is partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.




1. Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior set by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)”.


2. Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy or medical advices if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.


3. Client understands that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Coach will recommend that Client inform the mental health care provider.


4. Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.


5. Services:


The parties agree to engage in a Coaching Program  that can includes, but is not limited to:


  • Exercise

  • 12-step meetings

  • Sober support/fellowship

  • Interim sponsor

  • Classes of interest

  • Nutrition awareness, and how to order in a restaurant/snack food/grocery shopping

  • Walks and/or bike rides at Clients location or alternative meeting place

  • Work on “triggers” associated with friends/family/others

  • Attend all appointments Doctors/family/friends/others in time and without cancellation

  • Meditation/Yoga


Each week we will be working with a schedule implementing the above steps, and we will be modifying/adjusting the routine as needed.

This coaching can be in-person, internet (zoom or meet or other technologies) or telephone meetings. Coach will be available to Client by e-mail and voicemail in between scheduled meetings as defined by the Coach with additional fees but are included in the 3 month package. Coach may also be available for additional time, per client’s request on a prorated basis rate which depends on the service (for example, reviewing documents, reading or writing reports, engaging in other client related services outside of coaching hours).


6. Schedule & Fees:


A contract offer is valid for one month, but the dates of execution of the services can be modified until the signature.

Fees are payable in advance on the website or in person at the beginning of the meeting.

For 3-month packages, payments can be made in 3 free instalments or in one instalment with a 5% discount by debit or credit card at the beginning of the month or before the start of the service.

For services lasting one week or more, such as sober companion, payments are made in advance at the beginning of each week.

For sober traveler services, payments are made prior to the service and the client will pay in advance for transportation and travel expenses.

Regarding the travel expenses, they are reimbursed to the real cost by the customer according to a scale to agree in the contract of service.

The fees are defined in the service offering section of each type of service.

The calls/meetings shall be 50 mn . If rates change before this agreement has been signed and dated, the prevailing rates will apply.


7. Procedure:


The time of the coaching meetings and/or location will be determined by Coach and Client based on a mutually agreed upon time. The Client will initiate all scheduled calls and will call the Coach at the following number for all scheduled meetings +33 695040313 or +356 77102162 or on the website : or to a link for zoom meeting provided by the coach. If the Coach will be at any other number for a scheduled call, Client will be notified prior to the scheduled appointment time.


8. Refunding and cancellation and reprogramming:


All services signed by the client are due and payable in advance.

In case of unavailability, the customer can reschedule an appointment but not more than 2 consecutive times. In case of rescheduling for a third time, the service will be considered as done and deducted from the contract without any refund from the Provider.

The rescheduling can only be done the day before the appointment and not on the same day except in case of force majeure (natural disaster, accident, death, hospitalization and with supporting documents such as photos or medical certificate).

In case of cancellation, whatever the reason, of a service such as sober traveler, sober companion, sober skipper, or 3 months package, an amount equal to 30% of the total service will be retained by the provider.

The balance will be refunded directly to the client's account or to the client's payment method (such as credit card or debit card).

Substance use is not a valid cause for cancellation or rescheduling by the customer. It is the client's responsibility to come to the appointment in a state that allows the assignment to take place in good condition including the safety of the provider.

The Provider reserves the right to cancel an appointment if the client is not in a condition to participate in the appointment due to being under the influence of a substance without any refund from the Provider.

The Provider reserves the right to cancel an appointment if the Provider feels that the safety of the Provider may be at risk without any refund from the Provider.

Any inappropriate behavior such as insults, verbal or physical threats may result in the cancellation of the assignment or the service without any refund from the Provider.

The contracts signed by Reb Jean Luc Brochet are subject to the Gozo Court and to Maltese law.

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